Serving estate planning, probate, and business clients in Minnesota and Wisconsin


Estate Planning & Probate

Regardless of what stage of life you’re in, Wells Law can help you get your affairs in order to provide you with peace of mind as well as to protect your family.  Whether you’re seeking to address more straightforward matters in a power of attorney, health care directive, or will, more nuanced circumstances such as in a prenuptial or cohabitation agreement, or to utilize more sophisticated trust instruments to address your cabin, pet, charitable, blended or other family circumstances, Wells Law would like to help you achieve your legacy goals. Wells Law also helps families deal with probate and other legal affairs after a love one has passed.


Wells Law understands that your business is intertwined with and may be a significant part of your estate.  It's attune to the challenges that closely held businesses face and makes sure that nothing is overlooked whether that means providing guidance on entity formation, governance or compliance issues, contractual matters, or with succession planning or the sale of a business.